Brentwood: currently 14°C, light rain
high today 18°C, low tonight 12°C
sunrise 07:12, sunset 18:20
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Scott Ross & Michelle Ward – Another handover moment



Scott Ross is the older brother I never really wanted and he thinks I should double up as an inflatable at The Phoenix FM Birthday Bash. We get on well… on air but off air we have separate dressing rooms (I definitely need one, Scott Ross is only 4ft 2 and I am 4ft 2 wide).

Whenever I start with “now very quickly” when talking on radio.. it never, ever, like never ever is!


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Scott Ross & Michelle Ward – Another handover moment



Scott Ross is the older brother I never really wanted and he thinks I should double up as an inflatable at The Phoenix FM Birthday Bash. We get on well… on air but off air we have separate dressing rooms (I definitely need one, Scott Ross is only 4ft 2 and I am 4ft 2 wide).

Whenever I start with “now very quickly” when talking on radio.. it never, ever, like never ever is!


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Scott Ross & Michelle Ward – Another handover moment



Scott Ross is the older brother I never really wanted and he thinks I should double up as an inflatable at The Phoenix FM Birthday Bash. We get on well… on air but off air we have separate dressing rooms (I definitely need one, Scott Ross is only 4ft 2 and I am 4ft 2 wide).

Whenever I start with “now very quickly” when talking on radio.. it never, ever, like never ever is!


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Scott Ross & Michelle Ward – Another handover moment



Scott Ross is the older brother I never really wanted and he thinks I should double up as an inflatable at The Phoenix FM Birthday Bash. We get on well… on air but off air we have separate dressing rooms (I definitely need one, Scott Ross is only 4ft 2 and I am 4ft 2 wide).

Whenever I start with “now very quickly” when talking on radio.. it never, ever, like never ever is!


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