Hi Listeners
On last weekend`s show (Sunday 2nd), I welcomed to phoenix FM’s studio 1, three beautiful young ladies and talented singer songwriters that are the girl band `Ellamore`
Their current EP is titled Ellamore Sings……
They described their music as Vintage pop with 60`s retro Motown influences, and build upon success stories from artists such as Bruno Mars, they currently have an EP out that is entitled` Ellamore Sings` that has 3 fabulous tracks, and are hoping to release a debut album shortly
As always on the show we had a fun light hearted chat on the bands musical journey before settling down to some fantastic track plays from their EP, and were also treated to 2 very special acapella covers.
I was also joined in studio 1 by` Sunday replay` presenter Bob Simpson, whom helped out on some of the technical jitters we had at the start of the interview, I also have to credit him with the photo`s so Cheers Bob..
To hear the interview in full click on the audio tab below;
[audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Ellamore-Interview_0.mp3|titles=Ellamore Interview_] Full Interview
To hear the acapella tracks separately click on the audio tabs below;
[audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Ellamore-dont-let-go_0.mp3|titles=Ellamore dont let go_] Don’t Let Go
[audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Mama-knows-best-Ellamore_0.mp3|titles=Mama knows best Ellamore_] Mama Knows Best
The Girls recently played at the Cavern, Liverpool for the IPO Festival
Further Information on the band Ellamore can be found on the following links;
Twitter; @ellamore_girls