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Are you a local business in Brentwood? Its free to join Business Biscotti, Richard Pond explains all about the new networking group.

[audio:|titles=20130131110011 business biscotti] CLICK ABOVE TO HEAR THE INTERVIEW

Richard Pond from Business Biscotti joined me in the studio to explain all about the new networking group for Brentwood.

Business Biscotti is what networking is all about – meeting and forming business relationships with like-minded people. We like to think we provide an antidote to formal networking.

At Biscotti you’ll find: * It’s free business networking for all! * You can come and go when you like

There are no limits on who can attend: * All professions and any number of the same * Men & women welcome

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Are you a local business in Brentwood? Its free to join Business Biscotti, Richard Pond explains all about the new networking group.

[audio:|titles=20130131110011 business biscotti] CLICK ABOVE TO HEAR THE INTERVIEW

Richard Pond from Business Biscotti joined me in the studio to explain all about the new networking group for Brentwood.

Business Biscotti is what networking is all about – meeting and forming business relationships with like-minded people. We like to think we provide an antidote to formal networking.

At Biscotti you’ll find: * It’s free business networking for all! * You can come and go when you like

There are no limits on who can attend: * All professions and any number of the same * Men & women welcome

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Are you a local business in Brentwood? Its free to join Business Biscotti, Richard Pond explains all about the new networking group.

[audio:|titles=20130131110011 business biscotti] CLICK ABOVE TO HEAR THE INTERVIEW

Richard Pond from Business Biscotti joined me in the studio to explain all about the new networking group for Brentwood.

Business Biscotti is what networking is all about – meeting and forming business relationships with like-minded people. We like to think we provide an antidote to formal networking.

At Biscotti you’ll find: * It’s free business networking for all! * You can come and go when you like

There are no limits on who can attend: * All professions and any number of the same * Men & women welcome

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Are you a local business in Brentwood? Its free to join Business Biscotti, Richard Pond explains all about the new networking group.

[audio:|titles=20130131110011 business biscotti] CLICK ABOVE TO HEAR THE INTERVIEW

Richard Pond from Business Biscotti joined me in the studio to explain all about the new networking group for Brentwood.

Business Biscotti is what networking is all about – meeting and forming business relationships with like-minded people. We like to think we provide an antidote to formal networking.

At Biscotti you’ll find: * It’s free business networking for all! * You can come and go when you like

There are no limits on who can attend: * All professions and any number of the same * Men & women welcome

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