In The Flower Garden
- Prune wisteria sideshoots to 10-15cm from their base, and tie in leading shoots to create a framework
- Rake up fallen leaves that could be sheltering slugs
- Cut down dead perennials
- Plant bareroot trees and deciduous hedges such as beech and privet
- Trim autumn-flowering heathers
- Collect fallen rose leaves that could carry diseases over to next season
- Plant new roses
- Transplant shrubs or small trees
- Finish planting tulip bulbs
- Hang bird feeders over rose beds to attract birds to pick off overwintering pests
The Fruit and Vegetable Garden
- Winter prune apple trees
- Prune away stems of autumn-fruiting raspberries at soil level
- Prepare sites to plant new fruit trees and bushes, by improving soil with lots of organic matter
- Hoe bare areas to remove weed seedlings
- Use straw to prevent soil freezing around parsnips
- Take hardwood cuttings from currants and gooseberries
- Net cabbages and other brassicas to protect them from pigeon damage
- Place forcing jars over crowns of seakale
- Continue winter digging, adding spent mushroom compost to improve the soil
In The Greenhouse
- Follow weather forecasts closely to ensure you’re setting greenhouse heating accurately
- Prune both indoor and outdoor vines
- Dig up rhubarb, pot up, and place in total darkness under a giant bin to force an early crop
- Thoroughly clean glazing inside and out before putting up bubble polythene for insulation
- Sow hardy annuals, like calendulas, in pots for early displays
- Check bulbs, corms and tubers in store for signs of rot
- Water sparingly in winter, taking care not to splash water around
- Pick yellowing leaves and dead flowers from plants
- Open vents on warm days
- Clean and sharpen pruning tools
- Repair and treat fencing and timber structures while climbing plants are dormant
- Bring all watering equipment indoors, including hoses and sprinklers
- Wrap insulation around outside taps and cut off the water supply
- Empty glazed pots that aren’t frost-proof, and move under cover
- Send off for mail-order seed catalogues and start planning seed orders
- Scoop fallen leaves and rotting plant debris from ponds
- Order summer-flowering bulbs such as lilies and gladioli
- Get hold of some manure or mushroom compost to improve your soil
- Check garden birds have water to drink, especially on frosty days when it might be frozen
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