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Martin Aelred Contemporary classical singer & classical guitarist plays live

[audio:|titles=20121114110010 martin singer -edit] CLICK ABOVE TO LISTEN AGAIN

International Classical Singer & Classical Guitarist, Martin Aelred came into Phoenix FM to play a few samples of his work and to talk about his life in music.

A truly inspirational musician. The studio was full of people and as soon as Martin started playing we all just sat there transfixed at his voice and guitar playing.

Martin played a sample of Nessun Dorma (Puccini) which was simply stunning.

If you get a chance to catch this man live you will not be disappointed.

To hear more from Martin and to download his music join him on Facebook

Blessed! All that and he’s Scottish too! Accent overload! Enjoy


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Martin Aelred Contemporary classical singer & classical guitarist plays live

[audio:|titles=20121114110010 martin singer -edit] CLICK ABOVE TO LISTEN AGAIN

International Classical Singer & Classical Guitarist, Martin Aelred came into Phoenix FM to play a few samples of his work and to talk about his life in music.

A truly inspirational musician. The studio was full of people and as soon as Martin started playing we all just sat there transfixed at his voice and guitar playing.

Martin played a sample of Nessun Dorma (Puccini) which was simply stunning.

If you get a chance to catch this man live you will not be disappointed.

To hear more from Martin and to download his music join him on Facebook

Blessed! All that and he’s Scottish too! Accent overload! Enjoy


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Martin Aelred Contemporary classical singer & classical guitarist plays live

[audio:|titles=20121114110010 martin singer -edit] CLICK ABOVE TO LISTEN AGAIN

International Classical Singer & Classical Guitarist, Martin Aelred came into Phoenix FM to play a few samples of his work and to talk about his life in music.

A truly inspirational musician. The studio was full of people and as soon as Martin started playing we all just sat there transfixed at his voice and guitar playing.

Martin played a sample of Nessun Dorma (Puccini) which was simply stunning.

If you get a chance to catch this man live you will not be disappointed.

To hear more from Martin and to download his music join him on Facebook

Blessed! All that and he’s Scottish too! Accent overload! Enjoy


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Martin Aelred Contemporary classical singer & classical guitarist plays live

[audio:|titles=20121114110010 martin singer -edit] CLICK ABOVE TO LISTEN AGAIN

International Classical Singer & Classical Guitarist, Martin Aelred came into Phoenix FM to play a few samples of his work and to talk about his life in music.

A truly inspirational musician. The studio was full of people and as soon as Martin started playing we all just sat there transfixed at his voice and guitar playing.

Martin played a sample of Nessun Dorma (Puccini) which was simply stunning.

If you get a chance to catch this man live you will not be disappointed.

To hear more from Martin and to download his music join him on Facebook

Blessed! All that and he’s Scottish too! Accent overload! Enjoy


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