In The Flower Garden
- Plant crocuses, fritillaries and dwarf narcissus in lawns
- Plant up patio pots for autumn interest
- Lift gladioli, clean the corms and store them in a shed or garage
- Prune rambling and climbing roses, and shorten long shoots on standard roses
- Plant spring bedding, including wallflowers and forget-me-nots, among tulips
- Lift, divide and replant congested clumps of perennials
- Net holly berries to protect them from hungry birds if you want them for Christmas arrangements
- Plant lily bulbs, including fragrant Lilium regale, in groups among low shrubs to bloom next summer
- Move shrubs that are growing in the wrong places
In The Fruit and Vegetable Garden
- Make a cross-cut in cabbage stems when harvesting to encourage a further crop
- Sow broad beans for early crops next May and June
- Put cloches over tender herbs like basil and coriander
- Pot up mint, chives and parsley to keep on a bright window sill
- Sow green manure crops such as field beans and grazing rye
- Plant garlic and autumn onion sets
- Cover endive to blanch the leaves
- Dig up and pot up roots of chicory for winter forcing
- Pick apples and pears before the wind blows them down
- Finish pruning blackberries and autumn-fruiting raspberries
In The Greenhouse
- Bring aeoniums and other tender succulents under cover for winter
- Empty begonia tubers from pots, clean off the compost and store somewhere dark and dry
- Water plants more sparingly now conditions are getting cooler
- Wash off all shade paint and remove blinds and shade netting
- Sow sweet peas for early flowers next summer
- Clear out old crops in pots and growing bags, adding them to the compost heap
- Bring pots of late-flowering chrysanthemums under cover
- Line the inside of your greenhouse with bubble polythene
- Check heaters are working efficiently
- Water potted azaleas with rainwater, keeping the compost constantly moist
Around The Garden
- Use a fork or hollow-tined aerator to spike your lawn and improve drainage
- Dig up and pot up tender perennials to bring indoors for winter protection
- Raise the cutting height when mowing the lawn
- Apply an autumn lawn food
- Cover ponds with netting to stop leaves falling in
- Remove pumps and filters from ponds and water features
- Empty ceramic and glazed pots to store under cover for winter
- Collect fallen leaves smothering alpines and other plants
- Order roses, hedging and fruit trees for winter planting
- Retrieve plant supports from flower beds, clean and store away
Happy Gardening. If you want more ramblings on gardening from click here.