Brentwood: currently 3°C, light rain
high today 4°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:50, sunset 16:30
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Dee Hunter (Singer/Songwriter) pop into the studio to talk about her new album, her music and Buddhism

Click hear to listen to the Dee Hunter Interview [audio:|titles=dee hunter edited interview August 2011]

Guest in the studio was the mutli talented, singer, songwriter, and producer, Dee Hunter.

We got to hear three tracks from the new album and as you will hear from the snippets in the interview they sound incredible.

Dee’ s new album, Eclectic Jungle (2011) will be released shortly and available to down load from

Dee also works with other artists to collobrate on music and I was lucky to be part of her new album working on backing vocals.

Watch this space, shes about to go mega!

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Dee Hunter (Singer/Songwriter) pop into the studio to talk about her new album, her music and Buddhism

Click hear to listen to the Dee Hunter Interview [audio:|titles=dee hunter edited interview August 2011]

Guest in the studio was the mutli talented, singer, songwriter, and producer, Dee Hunter.

We got to hear three tracks from the new album and as you will hear from the snippets in the interview they sound incredible.

Dee’ s new album, Eclectic Jungle (2011) will be released shortly and available to down load from

Dee also works with other artists to collobrate on music and I was lucky to be part of her new album working on backing vocals.

Watch this space, shes about to go mega!

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Dee Hunter (Singer/Songwriter) pop into the studio to talk about her new album, her music and Buddhism

Click hear to listen to the Dee Hunter Interview [audio:|titles=dee hunter edited interview August 2011]

Guest in the studio was the mutli talented, singer, songwriter, and producer, Dee Hunter.

We got to hear three tracks from the new album and as you will hear from the snippets in the interview they sound incredible.

Dee’ s new album, Eclectic Jungle (2011) will be released shortly and available to down load from

Dee also works with other artists to collobrate on music and I was lucky to be part of her new album working on backing vocals.

Watch this space, shes about to go mega!

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Dee Hunter (Singer/Songwriter) pop into the studio to talk about her new album, her music and Buddhism

Click hear to listen to the Dee Hunter Interview [audio:|titles=dee hunter edited interview August 2011]

Guest in the studio was the mutli talented, singer, songwriter, and producer, Dee Hunter.

We got to hear three tracks from the new album and as you will hear from the snippets in the interview they sound incredible.

Dee’ s new album, Eclectic Jungle (2011) will be released shortly and available to down load from

Dee also works with other artists to collobrate on music and I was lucky to be part of her new album working on backing vocals.

Watch this space, shes about to go mega!

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