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Who will be given newborn Harper Seven Beckham a private concert in her own home?! Find out here!

Bieber and The Beckhams
Yes that’s right it’s none other that Justin Bieber!
The main celeb gossip of this week was that Teen sensation Justin Bieber and footballer David Beckham have been making deals with each other. Beckham will give Bieber football lessons if he gives David and Victoria’s newborn Daughter, Harper Seven, and her 3 brothers, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, an exclusive performance. There is a possibility Justin current girlfriend popstar, Selena Gomez may join him too.

Justin has said “I’ve agreed to give the boys a private concert at their house – if David gives me some private soccer lessons!”
“David’s an amazing dad, and he told me how happy it would make the boys, so I had to say yes. Maybe now they have a girl, Selena will have to come too, and dedicate a song to Harper.
“David tells me my records are always played in their household, and David and Victoria are both really cool, so I’m happy to oblige.”

Justin met the Beckham’s at one of his gigs and have remained friends with them ever since and even tweet messages to each other. Back in June Victora Tweeted

“Romeo got a special little message from @justinbieber!! Thank u @justinbieber for the boys signed guitars!!! they are so happy!!!!!!! X VB,”

Chris Brown on the Big Screen
Chris Brown is mostly known for his singing and dancing however he has also been in a few films, such as Stomp and Takers, but now he is about to add another to his list. Next year he will be starring in a romantic comedy called Think Like a Man. It’s an adaptation of Steve Harvey’s advice book for women named Act like a Lady, Think Like a Man. Chris will star alongside Steve Harvey, Gabrielle Union and Michael Ealy.
Filming for this new film has begun in Los Angeles, and the movie is due out in April next year.

Beyonce In Space

Beyonce recorded wake-up call for the astronauts who were aboard the Atlantis space shuttle saying “Good morning, Atlantis. This is Beyonce. Sandy, Chris, Doug and Rex, you inspire all of us to dare to live our dreams, to know that we’re strong enough and smart enough to achieve them.”
She then dedicated her new track, Run The World to mission specialist Sandy Magnus by saying “This song is especially for my girl Sandy. And all the women who’ve taken us to space with them and the girls who are our future explorers,”

When Sandy later dialled into Houston she Thanked the star saying “A big thanks to Beyonce for taking some time out of her schedule to record us a greeting. We’re ready for another day here in Atlantis! Hopefully we as a team at NASA can keep our inspirational work up for the young people of America,”.

Steps reunite
90’s band Steps, who had hits such as One For Sorrow and maybe most famously Tragedy, spilt up in 2001, ten years ago.
However the band will be reunited and we will find out the reason behind the spilt in a new four part documentary which will be on Sky Living.
Makers of the programme have said it will “recount their experiences whilst in Steps, the reasons behind the decision to disband, and their unresolved grievances from their days in the spotlight”.

Since their spilt each band member have been quite successful in their careers, with Lisa, Faye, H and Lee featuring in TV and theatre and Claire Richards made her comeback by taking part in TV show Popstar To Operastar.

Head of factual entertainment at Sky, Mark Sammon  has said: “We’ll document the in-fighting, jealousy and power struggles – it’s not the sugar-coated Steps we all remember”.

Chantelle Houghton
Big Brother and Essex Star Chantelle Houghton has been told she will have tough consequences because of her extreme dieting.

Chantelle went to a fertility clinic after getting a pain in her left ovary and was told she has little chance of conceiving a baby. She said that she was told ‘that I’d never be able to conceive naturally… that I had low fertility and that if I wanted to have a baby, I’d have to have IVF. He said that if I’d waited another three years, I would never be able to have children at all. I wouldn’t have any eggs left.”

She added: “There’s always the chance I could miraculously fall pregnant naturally, but it’s so remote.”

After her divorce in 2007 from popstar Preston, Chantelle lost lots of weight after she used to make herself sick after eating and drink water to fill herself up.
She understands this problem is her own fault by saying : “Ultimately it’s my fault. I hate myself and can never forgive myself. Because of my obsession with food and my crash dieting when I had bulimia, I’ve ruined my chances of having a baby naturally.”

Will Young
Will Young’s last single was released in 2008 and it was called Let It Go. It peaked at number two in the UK album charts and was certified platinum. However he is ready t release his next single on the 21st August called ‘Jealousy’. His 5th studio album ‘Echoes’ will  follow a day later on August 22nd.

Will has teamed up with producer Richard X. Will explains why he wanted to work with Richard by saying : “I really wanted to get the voice and the performance closer to how it is live and I really liked what Richard did with Steve Mason… if I went with someone obvious it would take away from what I wanted to do. So I wrote Richard a note.”

And Richard himself has explained: “We’ve been so close to it and driven mad with detail but we’re enjoying the songs as much as when we started. It’s quite different for Will, but still Will.”





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Who will be given newborn Harper Seven Beckham a private concert in her own home?! Find out here!

Bieber and The Beckhams
Yes that’s right it’s none other that Justin Bieber!
The main celeb gossip of this week was that Teen sensation Justin Bieber and footballer David Beckham have been making deals with each other. Beckham will give Bieber football lessons if he gives David and Victoria’s newborn Daughter, Harper Seven, and her 3 brothers, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, an exclusive performance. There is a possibility Justin current girlfriend popstar, Selena Gomez may join him too.

Justin has said “I’ve agreed to give the boys a private concert at their house – if David gives me some private soccer lessons!”
“David’s an amazing dad, and he told me how happy it would make the boys, so I had to say yes. Maybe now they have a girl, Selena will have to come too, and dedicate a song to Harper.
“David tells me my records are always played in their household, and David and Victoria are both really cool, so I’m happy to oblige.”

Justin met the Beckham’s at one of his gigs and have remained friends with them ever since and even tweet messages to each other. Back in June Victora Tweeted

“Romeo got a special little message from @justinbieber!! Thank u @justinbieber for the boys signed guitars!!! they are so happy!!!!!!! X VB,”

Chris Brown on the Big Screen
Chris Brown is mostly known for his singing and dancing however he has also been in a few films, such as Stomp and Takers, but now he is about to add another to his list. Next year he will be starring in a romantic comedy called Think Like a Man. It’s an adaptation of Steve Harvey’s advice book for women named Act like a Lady, Think Like a Man. Chris will star alongside Steve Harvey, Gabrielle Union and Michael Ealy.
Filming for this new film has begun in Los Angeles, and the movie is due out in April next year.

Beyonce In Space

Beyonce recorded wake-up call for the astronauts who were aboard the Atlantis space shuttle saying “Good morning, Atlantis. This is Beyonce. Sandy, Chris, Doug and Rex, you inspire all of us to dare to live our dreams, to know that we’re strong enough and smart enough to achieve them.”
She then dedicated her new track, Run The World to mission specialist Sandy Magnus by saying “This song is especially for my girl Sandy. And all the women who’ve taken us to space with them and the girls who are our future explorers,”

When Sandy later dialled into Houston she Thanked the star saying “A big thanks to Beyonce for taking some time out of her schedule to record us a greeting. We’re ready for another day here in Atlantis! Hopefully we as a team at NASA can keep our inspirational work up for the young people of America,”.

Steps reunite
90’s band Steps, who had hits such as One For Sorrow and maybe most famously Tragedy, spilt up in 2001, ten years ago.
However the band will be reunited and we will find out the reason behind the spilt in a new four part documentary which will be on Sky Living.
Makers of the programme have said it will “recount their experiences whilst in Steps, the reasons behind the decision to disband, and their unresolved grievances from their days in the spotlight”.

Since their spilt each band member have been quite successful in their careers, with Lisa, Faye, H and Lee featuring in TV and theatre and Claire Richards made her comeback by taking part in TV show Popstar To Operastar.

Head of factual entertainment at Sky, Mark Sammon  has said: “We’ll document the in-fighting, jealousy and power struggles – it’s not the sugar-coated Steps we all remember”.

Chantelle Houghton
Big Brother and Essex Star Chantelle Houghton has been told she will have tough consequences because of her extreme dieting.

Chantelle went to a fertility clinic after getting a pain in her left ovary and was told she has little chance of conceiving a baby. She said that she was told ‘that I’d never be able to conceive naturally… that I had low fertility and that if I wanted to have a baby, I’d have to have IVF. He said that if I’d waited another three years, I would never be able to have children at all. I wouldn’t have any eggs left.”

She added: “There’s always the chance I could miraculously fall pregnant naturally, but it’s so remote.”

After her divorce in 2007 from popstar Preston, Chantelle lost lots of weight after she used to make herself sick after eating and drink water to fill herself up.
She understands this problem is her own fault by saying : “Ultimately it’s my fault. I hate myself and can never forgive myself. Because of my obsession with food and my crash dieting when I had bulimia, I’ve ruined my chances of having a baby naturally.”

Will Young
Will Young’s last single was released in 2008 and it was called Let It Go. It peaked at number two in the UK album charts and was certified platinum. However he is ready t release his next single on the 21st August called ‘Jealousy’. His 5th studio album ‘Echoes’ will  follow a day later on August 22nd.

Will has teamed up with producer Richard X. Will explains why he wanted to work with Richard by saying : “I really wanted to get the voice and the performance closer to how it is live and I really liked what Richard did with Steve Mason… if I went with someone obvious it would take away from what I wanted to do. So I wrote Richard a note.”

And Richard himself has explained: “We’ve been so close to it and driven mad with detail but we’re enjoying the songs as much as when we started. It’s quite different for Will, but still Will.”





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Who will be given newborn Harper Seven Beckham a private concert in her own home?! Find out here!

Bieber and The Beckhams
Yes that’s right it’s none other that Justin Bieber!
The main celeb gossip of this week was that Teen sensation Justin Bieber and footballer David Beckham have been making deals with each other. Beckham will give Bieber football lessons if he gives David and Victoria’s newborn Daughter, Harper Seven, and her 3 brothers, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, an exclusive performance. There is a possibility Justin current girlfriend popstar, Selena Gomez may join him too.

Justin has said “I’ve agreed to give the boys a private concert at their house – if David gives me some private soccer lessons!”
“David’s an amazing dad, and he told me how happy it would make the boys, so I had to say yes. Maybe now they have a girl, Selena will have to come too, and dedicate a song to Harper.
“David tells me my records are always played in their household, and David and Victoria are both really cool, so I’m happy to oblige.”

Justin met the Beckham’s at one of his gigs and have remained friends with them ever since and even tweet messages to each other. Back in June Victora Tweeted

“Romeo got a special little message from @justinbieber!! Thank u @justinbieber for the boys signed guitars!!! they are so happy!!!!!!! X VB,”

Chris Brown on the Big Screen
Chris Brown is mostly known for his singing and dancing however he has also been in a few films, such as Stomp and Takers, but now he is about to add another to his list. Next year he will be starring in a romantic comedy called Think Like a Man. It’s an adaptation of Steve Harvey’s advice book for women named Act like a Lady, Think Like a Man. Chris will star alongside Steve Harvey, Gabrielle Union and Michael Ealy.
Filming for this new film has begun in Los Angeles, and the movie is due out in April next year.

Beyonce In Space

Beyonce recorded wake-up call for the astronauts who were aboard the Atlantis space shuttle saying “Good morning, Atlantis. This is Beyonce. Sandy, Chris, Doug and Rex, you inspire all of us to dare to live our dreams, to know that we’re strong enough and smart enough to achieve them.”
She then dedicated her new track, Run The World to mission specialist Sandy Magnus by saying “This song is especially for my girl Sandy. And all the women who’ve taken us to space with them and the girls who are our future explorers,”

When Sandy later dialled into Houston she Thanked the star saying “A big thanks to Beyonce for taking some time out of her schedule to record us a greeting. We’re ready for another day here in Atlantis! Hopefully we as a team at NASA can keep our inspirational work up for the young people of America,”.

Steps reunite
90’s band Steps, who had hits such as One For Sorrow and maybe most famously Tragedy, spilt up in 2001, ten years ago.
However the band will be reunited and we will find out the reason behind the spilt in a new four part documentary which will be on Sky Living.
Makers of the programme have said it will “recount their experiences whilst in Steps, the reasons behind the decision to disband, and their unresolved grievances from their days in the spotlight”.

Since their spilt each band member have been quite successful in their careers, with Lisa, Faye, H and Lee featuring in TV and theatre and Claire Richards made her comeback by taking part in TV show Popstar To Operastar.

Head of factual entertainment at Sky, Mark Sammon  has said: “We’ll document the in-fighting, jealousy and power struggles – it’s not the sugar-coated Steps we all remember”.

Chantelle Houghton
Big Brother and Essex Star Chantelle Houghton has been told she will have tough consequences because of her extreme dieting.

Chantelle went to a fertility clinic after getting a pain in her left ovary and was told she has little chance of conceiving a baby. She said that she was told ‘that I’d never be able to conceive naturally… that I had low fertility and that if I wanted to have a baby, I’d have to have IVF. He said that if I’d waited another three years, I would never be able to have children at all. I wouldn’t have any eggs left.”

She added: “There’s always the chance I could miraculously fall pregnant naturally, but it’s so remote.”

After her divorce in 2007 from popstar Preston, Chantelle lost lots of weight after she used to make herself sick after eating and drink water to fill herself up.
She understands this problem is her own fault by saying : “Ultimately it’s my fault. I hate myself and can never forgive myself. Because of my obsession with food and my crash dieting when I had bulimia, I’ve ruined my chances of having a baby naturally.”

Will Young
Will Young’s last single was released in 2008 and it was called Let It Go. It peaked at number two in the UK album charts and was certified platinum. However he is ready t release his next single on the 21st August called ‘Jealousy’. His 5th studio album ‘Echoes’ will  follow a day later on August 22nd.

Will has teamed up with producer Richard X. Will explains why he wanted to work with Richard by saying : “I really wanted to get the voice and the performance closer to how it is live and I really liked what Richard did with Steve Mason… if I went with someone obvious it would take away from what I wanted to do. So I wrote Richard a note.”

And Richard himself has explained: “We’ve been so close to it and driven mad with detail but we’re enjoying the songs as much as when we started. It’s quite different for Will, but still Will.”





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Who will be given newborn Harper Seven Beckham a private concert in her own home?! Find out here!

Bieber and The Beckhams
Yes that’s right it’s none other that Justin Bieber!
The main celeb gossip of this week was that Teen sensation Justin Bieber and footballer David Beckham have been making deals with each other. Beckham will give Bieber football lessons if he gives David and Victoria’s newborn Daughter, Harper Seven, and her 3 brothers, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, an exclusive performance. There is a possibility Justin current girlfriend popstar, Selena Gomez may join him too.

Justin has said “I’ve agreed to give the boys a private concert at their house – if David gives me some private soccer lessons!”
“David’s an amazing dad, and he told me how happy it would make the boys, so I had to say yes. Maybe now they have a girl, Selena will have to come too, and dedicate a song to Harper.
“David tells me my records are always played in their household, and David and Victoria are both really cool, so I’m happy to oblige.”

Justin met the Beckham’s at one of his gigs and have remained friends with them ever since and even tweet messages to each other. Back in June Victora Tweeted

“Romeo got a special little message from @justinbieber!! Thank u @justinbieber for the boys signed guitars!!! they are so happy!!!!!!! X VB,”

Chris Brown on the Big Screen
Chris Brown is mostly known for his singing and dancing however he has also been in a few films, such as Stomp and Takers, but now he is about to add another to his list. Next year he will be starring in a romantic comedy called Think Like a Man. It’s an adaptation of Steve Harvey’s advice book for women named Act like a Lady, Think Like a Man. Chris will star alongside Steve Harvey, Gabrielle Union and Michael Ealy.
Filming for this new film has begun in Los Angeles, and the movie is due out in April next year.

Beyonce In Space

Beyonce recorded wake-up call for the astronauts who were aboard the Atlantis space shuttle saying “Good morning, Atlantis. This is Beyonce. Sandy, Chris, Doug and Rex, you inspire all of us to dare to live our dreams, to know that we’re strong enough and smart enough to achieve them.”
She then dedicated her new track, Run The World to mission specialist Sandy Magnus by saying “This song is especially for my girl Sandy. And all the women who’ve taken us to space with them and the girls who are our future explorers,”

When Sandy later dialled into Houston she Thanked the star saying “A big thanks to Beyonce for taking some time out of her schedule to record us a greeting. We’re ready for another day here in Atlantis! Hopefully we as a team at NASA can keep our inspirational work up for the young people of America,”.

Steps reunite
90’s band Steps, who had hits such as One For Sorrow and maybe most famously Tragedy, spilt up in 2001, ten years ago.
However the band will be reunited and we will find out the reason behind the spilt in a new four part documentary which will be on Sky Living.
Makers of the programme have said it will “recount their experiences whilst in Steps, the reasons behind the decision to disband, and their unresolved grievances from their days in the spotlight”.

Since their spilt each band member have been quite successful in their careers, with Lisa, Faye, H and Lee featuring in TV and theatre and Claire Richards made her comeback by taking part in TV show Popstar To Operastar.

Head of factual entertainment at Sky, Mark Sammon  has said: “We’ll document the in-fighting, jealousy and power struggles – it’s not the sugar-coated Steps we all remember”.

Chantelle Houghton
Big Brother and Essex Star Chantelle Houghton has been told she will have tough consequences because of her extreme dieting.

Chantelle went to a fertility clinic after getting a pain in her left ovary and was told she has little chance of conceiving a baby. She said that she was told ‘that I’d never be able to conceive naturally… that I had low fertility and that if I wanted to have a baby, I’d have to have IVF. He said that if I’d waited another three years, I would never be able to have children at all. I wouldn’t have any eggs left.”

She added: “There’s always the chance I could miraculously fall pregnant naturally, but it’s so remote.”

After her divorce in 2007 from popstar Preston, Chantelle lost lots of weight after she used to make herself sick after eating and drink water to fill herself up.
She understands this problem is her own fault by saying : “Ultimately it’s my fault. I hate myself and can never forgive myself. Because of my obsession with food and my crash dieting when I had bulimia, I’ve ruined my chances of having a baby naturally.”

Will Young
Will Young’s last single was released in 2008 and it was called Let It Go. It peaked at number two in the UK album charts and was certified platinum. However he is ready t release his next single on the 21st August called ‘Jealousy’. His 5th studio album ‘Echoes’ will  follow a day later on August 22nd.

Will has teamed up with producer Richard X. Will explains why he wanted to work with Richard by saying : “I really wanted to get the voice and the performance closer to how it is live and I really liked what Richard did with Steve Mason… if I went with someone obvious it would take away from what I wanted to do. So I wrote Richard a note.”

And Richard himself has explained: “We’ve been so close to it and driven mad with detail but we’re enjoying the songs as much as when we started. It’s quite different for Will, but still Will.”





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