Brentwood: currently 4°C, cloudy
high today 4°C, low tonight 1°C
sunrise 07:51, sunset 16:28
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Feelgood Saturday 7th May

This morning’s Stuck in a moment clue was that the title of this song is a commonly used text abbreviation*:

[audio:|titles=Stuck in a moment 31a]

My cryptic Where am I? clue to a location somewhere in our area was “the primulas have a fine view of London up here,” with the hint that there’s a connection with Blur.

*The answer to Stuck in a moment was OMG by Usher featuring Where am I? was Primrose Hill in Brentwood, primroses being part of the primula family, and the video to Blur’s song For tomorrow having been made on the Primrose Hill in North West London.

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Feelgood Saturday 7th May

This morning’s Stuck in a moment clue was that the title of this song is a commonly used text abbreviation*:

[audio:|titles=Stuck in a moment 31a]

My cryptic Where am I? clue to a location somewhere in our area was “the primulas have a fine view of London up here,” with the hint that there’s a connection with Blur.

*The answer to Stuck in a moment was OMG by Usher featuring Where am I? was Primrose Hill in Brentwood, primroses being part of the primula family, and the video to Blur’s song For tomorrow having been made on the Primrose Hill in North West London.

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Feelgood Saturday 7th May

This morning’s Stuck in a moment clue was that the title of this song is a commonly used text abbreviation*:

[audio:|titles=Stuck in a moment 31a]

My cryptic Where am I? clue to a location somewhere in our area was “the primulas have a fine view of London up here,” with the hint that there’s a connection with Blur.

*The answer to Stuck in a moment was OMG by Usher featuring Where am I? was Primrose Hill in Brentwood, primroses being part of the primula family, and the video to Blur’s song For tomorrow having been made on the Primrose Hill in North West London.

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Feelgood Saturday 7th May

This morning’s Stuck in a moment clue was that the title of this song is a commonly used text abbreviation*:

[audio:|titles=Stuck in a moment 31a]

My cryptic Where am I? clue to a location somewhere in our area was “the primulas have a fine view of London up here,” with the hint that there’s a connection with Blur.

*The answer to Stuck in a moment was OMG by Usher featuring Where am I? was Primrose Hill in Brentwood, primroses being part of the primula family, and the video to Blur’s song For tomorrow having been made on the Primrose Hill in North West London.

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