Joined in the studio by Reflexologist, Penelope Morrisson MAR to discuss World Reflexology Week and all you wanted to know about Reflexology.
For registered Reflexologists please view Association of Reflexology website.
Brentwood: currently 4°C, some cloud high today 7°C, low tonight 0°C sunrise 07:28, sunset 16:56 |
Joined in the studio by Reflexologist, Penelope Morrisson MAR to discuss World Reflexology Week and all you wanted to know about Reflexology.
For registered Reflexologists please view Association of Reflexology website.
Joined in the studio by Reflexologist, Penelope Morrisson MAR to discuss World Reflexology Week and all you wanted to know about Reflexology.
For registered Reflexologists please view Association of Reflexology website.
Joined in the studio by Reflexologist, Penelope Morrisson MAR to discuss World Reflexology Week and all you wanted to know about Reflexology.
For registered Reflexologists please view Association of Reflexology website.
Joined in the studio by Reflexologist, Penelope Morrisson MAR to discuss World Reflexology Week and all you wanted to know about Reflexology.
For registered Reflexologists please view Association of Reflexology website.